Paeonia rockii sbsps. rockii


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Paeonia rockii sbsps rockii.  China.  Species.  This species was once know as Paeonia linyanshanii.  A rarely seen species in cultivation and well worth growing.  Plants may become large (8 feet wide) and tall (6+ feet) in Wisconsin.  This species is the most stem hardy of all the woody peonies and is quite dependable in cold climates.  The interesting dormant buds formed in the fall of the year will become empty vessels (ballon-like) which contain air and the minute immature growth structures, which will become leaves and flowers the following year.  The small ballon-like structures presumabley provide an internal insulating effect for the tiny growth point.  The large, single form, flowers are white and have dark marron flares.  Foliage is somewhat strap shaped with small leaflets which are spread along the petiols distantly (compared to other woody peonies).   Like all woody peonies it is drought resistant and resents wet conditions at any time of the year.  Truly exceptional and makes a fine landscape specimen.   This species should not be confused with Rock’s Peony, Rock’s Variety or Joseph Rock, which are hybrids with other Suffruticosa Group plants.  Ships in late September to mid October.  AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.

Color: Flares and/ or Spots, White-Cream
SPECIALTY: Fertile, Landscape Use, Ornamental Foliage