News and Articles


2024 Farm Letter

Published December 16, 2023
Another awesome gardening year has passed (2023) and we wish all of our customers and friends a prosperus 2024! Although bloom season was beautiful last year and our plants did well in the fields, there were challenges.   Bloom season was [read more]

2023 Farm Letter

Published December 29, 2022
Greeting Gardeners!   2022 was an extremely busy year which saw many changes to the way we will do business in future years.   While it was our most successful year to date, change is always uncomfortable, yet rewarding. As many of [read more]

Welcome Letter 2022

Published December 31, 2021
Happy 2022 to all of our customers and website visitors! As I write this letter it occurs to me that we are in much the same place as we were in 2020 in regards to with the Covid pandemic.  Many [read more]


Published November 6, 2021
This year (2021) has been extremely busy for Jordan and I, thus we will no longer be doing large newsletters.  However, we do enjoy writing and letting the gardening world know what we are doing and thinking.  With this in [read more]

Welcome Letter 2021

Published December 22, 2020
2020 was a most interesting year due to the Covid pandemic and the many changes it brought about.  Additionally, Solaris Farms made many proprietary/management changes to better serve our customers and streamline some of our supporting activities.  Many thanks go [read more]