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Roselette. Saunders. 1950. Herbaceous hybrid. American Peony Society Award of Landscape Merit. A sweet flower with clear pink, textured petals framing yellow stamens and red stigmas. Rosellete is a very early blooming cultivar that starts the season off with flash of color (generally one of our earliest large flowers to bloom). Plants are strong erect growers that present their large circular flowers skyward. 35″ height. Brilliant red stigmas framed with bright yellow stamens and anthers. Green pubescent carpels. One of the best and most under appreciated peonies we grow. Perhaps, it blooms so early few people see it. Rarely produces seed. Probably triploid. Week 2 bloom time. (lactiflora x F2 (tenuifolia x mlokosewitschii)). Ships in late September to mid October.