Paeonia daurica sbsps. mlokosewitschii
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Paeonia daurica sbsps. mlokosewitschii. Herbaceous species. Haling from the Caucasus Mountains in Russia, this species is variable in flower color. Many consider the yellow flowered form of this species to be what should be known as P. daurica ssp. mlokosewitschii, but numerous color forms may be found flowering together in the same native populations, indicating a singular species. Taxonomist now accept a wide variation in color forms. In any case, ours are from seed grown plants which exhibit a wide variation in flower color and fall within the species normal traits. Paeonia daurica ssp. mlokosewitschii grows best with evenly moist soil and prefers a lightly shaded location. Flowers are typically rounded and the ends of the petals often curve inward. Leaflets are rounded and glaucus. The attractive and unique plants are best not divided as they resent this practice. Plants typically reach 18 to 24 inches in height. Colors may range from violet to pink to cream to light yellow. Some may have picotee patterns. Our offering is for mixed color forms (our choice) dug from our propagation beds – all are blooming size. Rarely available and an outstanding species for someone who would like something different. This plant is very winter hardy and resents hot locations. Premium divisions ship late September to mid October.