Souvenir de Ingo Schiewe



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Souvenir de Ingo Schiewe.  Tetzlaff.  2009.  Suffruticosa with P. rockii influence hybrid.  Selected by Stephan Tetzlaff from a collection at the Botanical Garden of Dusseldorf (Germany), where it was marked as a suffruticosa.  Growth habit is of a typical rockii cultivar, woody and large stemmed.  Mature plants may attain heights of 5 or more feet and 10 feet in width.  Very floriferous.  Flowers are single and about 6 inches in diameter.  Color is an outstanding clear lavender with purple-black flares at the bases of the petals (typical of rockii cultivars).  Carpels are smooth and 5 in number.  Stigmas light yellow, cream sheath and yellow filaments with reddish bases.  Seed fertile, but no pollen.  Named in honor of Ingo Schiewe who passed away in 2008.  Mr. Schiewe was a gardener with wide interests, who, besides his rockiis, grew many different plants in his garden and glasshouses.  A slow plant to get started, but after a couple of years grows quickly, displaying it’s outstanding flowers to perfection.   Ships in late September to mid October.  AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.

Color: Eyes and/or Edges, Lavender-Pink-Coral
SPECIALTY: Fertile, Fragrant, Rare, TNT