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Antigone. (Daughter of Oedipus). Daphnis. 1995. Advanced generation lutea hybrid. Single, purest of gold and cream, flushed with pink, with small red flares at center. Green stigmas and light pink sheath. Red stamens. Waxy light yellow anthers. A fast growing plant that has shiny thick foliage. Makes many ground shoot stems. Grows to about 3′ in Wisconsin. Stems are often killed during very cold winters, but regrow from below ground to quickly recover and bloom. Suitable for landscaping in controlled areas. No pollen, will set seed with many pollination attempts using an advanced generation pollen donor. Parentage: (D-403 BC x suffruticosa ‘Red Rance 1’). Easy and fast growing. Ships in late September to mid October. AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.