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Aquila.  Bremer. 2019. Advanced generation lutea hybrid.  (Sedona x Loyola).    Loyola, the pollen parent, is an unregistered Bernard Chow hybrid.  Seedling number ‘NB13’.  Aquila is a constellation on the celestial equator. Its name is Latin for ‘eagle’ and it represents the bird that carried Zeus/Jupiter’s thunderbolts in Greco-Roman mythology.  Aquila is a beautiful plant deserving reference to the eagle that carried thunderbolts.  The flowers are semi-double to double, have cream colored petals with an old rose overlay and maroon flares.  Overall flower color fades to cream with pink highlights as it ages.  Petals are highly ruffled, precisely notched and creped (20 to 28 petals). Maroon sheath and stamens. Light pink stigmas and red filaments. The sheath is not generally visible due to presence of numerous petals surrounding the reproductive structures.  The 8 inch flowers are ornate and showy. One to two buds per stem. Flowers held outward, with good carriage on plants to 34″ in Wisconsin.  Foliage is deep green with petioles that have a red line on the midrib. Stems are red at emergence.   Better than average growth rate and is a willing producer of ground shoots. Fertile both ways, easier as a pollen parent. Produces a mound shaped plant. Easily grafted. Abundant amount of bloom for a lutea hybrid. Excellent.  Limited.  One per customer as supply lasts. Ships in late September to mid October.  AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.

Color: Blends-Patterns, Lavender-Pink-Coral
SPECIALTY: Fertile, Fragrant