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Calypso. Daphnis. 1995. F2 lutea hybrid. (Coronal x self). First year bloomed 1974. Single hybrid, yellow with red outlines. F 2 seed from Coronal F 1. Color like Coronal, form open and petals much stronger and much heavier. The red on the ridges of each petal is very unusual and breath-taking. Pollen fertility, but no seeds to date Fragrant, reliable and one bud per stem. Good stem strength, grows to approximately 3.5 feet in Wisconsin. Vigorous and dark green foliage. Daphnis seedling #D-366. Calypso=Sea Nymph. Ships late September to mid October. AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.