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Gauguin. Daphnis. 1975. F1 lutea hybrid. Parentage: (lutea x Shintenchi). Orange/pink blend single to semi-double flower with darker veining. Deep blue green foliage is produced on this large mound type plant. Foliage is late to appear in the spring. Stem loss is evident most years, but ground shoots quickly replace dead wood. After very cold winters this plant is slow to emerge from the ground and which may indicate it is not suitable for very cold climates. If established it is a fast grower that produces stems well away from the central plant after a few years. Flowers hang downward somewhat, but display is quite acceptable and is worthy garden subject. Reportedly has fertility, which we have not experienced. Really outstanding flower! Recommended for USDA growing zones 4b and warmer. Ships in late September to mid October. AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.