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Hephestos. (God of Fire) Daphnis. 1977. Advanced generation lutea hybrid. American Peony Society Gold Medal winner-2009. APS ‘Best In Show’-2012, 2017. Large double to semi-double, brick red with ruffled petals and nice fragrance. The unfurling buds are magnificent (look like rose buds) and the flowers are without peers. Red stigmas, purple sheath and maroon stamens. Simply one of the best hybrids. Plants become large over time and spread wider than high. Bloom is heavy with most stems producing flowers. Makes a well rounded shrub suitable for landscaping. Plants are very rounded and produce many shoots, creating a good landscape specimen. To 4′ in Wisconsin. One of my favorites. Sadly, no fertility. Blooms in the later part of the woody peony season. (Thunderbolt x F2-A) . Ships late September to mid October. Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.