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Isadora. Daphnis. 1995. Advanced generation lutea hybrid. Named for famed dancer Isadora Duncan. Seedling number D-414, parentage unknown. Flowers are a yellowish-orange with red overcast and are single. This is the most unusual flower. It starts with very dark flares from the base of each petal sending the red cast over the yellow. Then we see the red color appearing again at the edge of each petal. The flowing gesture of each petal suggests the veils of Isadora Duncan, when she was dancing. Good substance, has stamens, no pollen or seeds, fragrant, reliable, one bud per stem. Good stem strength.   Height yet unknown in Wisconsin, but reported up to 6 feet in New York.  Unique medium green foliage.  Extremely rare and part of the Woody Peony Preservation Project.  Ships in late September to mid October.  AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.

Color: Blends-Patterns