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Leda. (Queen of Sparta, Mother of Caster & Pollux) Daphnis. 1977. Advanced generation lutea hybrid. American Peony Society Gold Medal winner-2014. Pink with light red streaks going through each petal. Semi-double. Two to four rows of petals, well formed and rounded. Red stamens, white sheath and cream stigmas. Very large and beautiful, flowers are carried outward. Plants produce woody stems, but spread outward forming a large showy plant. Excellent. No fertility noted, but rumor has it that seeds have been produced in Europe. Easy to grow. Parentage: (Kokoman x BC-2). This plant should be in every woody peony collection! Ships in late September to mid October. AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.