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Sappho.  Daphnis.  1995.  Lutea hybrid.  The single to semi-double medium sized flowers are a light lavender-purple color (very unusual).   Petals are lightly ruffled and crimped.  Stigmas cream.  Sheath is often incomplete with white and lavender coloration.  Filaments are light maroon.   Carriage is good over medium-dark green foliage.   Plants do not produce abundant ground shoots and do not increase quickly, but over time will become large in good conditions.    Sappho is in high demand by collectors of Daphnis peonies and is rare in cultivation. Ships in late September to mid October.  AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.

Color: Lavender-Pink-Coral