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Toichi Ruby
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Toichi Ruby. Domoto/Klehm. 1986. American suffruticosa. Large semi-double ruby red flowers have many twisting and turning petals, giving a very full appearance. Extremely upright with outstanding flower carriage. Plants may reach 3.5 feet in Wisconsin and somewhat less in width. Toich Ruby. Domoto/Klehm. 1986. American suffruticosa cultivar. Ruby red rose flowers with many ruffles throughout. Large semi-double flowers are carried upright. Flower color is superior and eye catching in the garden. Excellent amount of bloom, well-formed bush with deep green foliage. Produces scant amount of seed but has useable pollen. Domoto hybridized woody peonies in California for many years and Song Sparrow Nursery selected and registered a number of superior cultivars from his work. Domoto/Klehm cultivars are typically stout growers exhibiting better plant habits and flowers than the historic Japanese suffruticosa cultivars. Extremely reliable. Ships in late September to mid October. AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.