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Vela.  Bremer.  2019.  Advanced generation lutea hybrid.  (Theresa Ann x Autumn Harvest).  Seedling number is ‘NB5’.   Parentage is Seidl #58 x Seidl #16.  Soft lavender-pink semi-double flowers with maroon flares to 1/4 of petal length. Some years there is more cream in the flowers due to climate conditions.  Petals are rather uniform in size and shape, creating a eye catching flower.  Stigmas coral in color and filaments are dark lavender-purple. Sheath is lavender-purple. Flower carriage is outward on stiff stems and are reminiscent of a ships sails. Good amount of bloom each year. Plants grow to 4 feet and as wide in Wisconsin. Good ground shoot production and easily grafted. Fertile both ways, but pollen is easier. Vela is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for the sails of a ship.  A good grower that always catches viewer’s attention. Ships in late September to mid October.  AGE: Field grown, 4+ year old graft or division from larger plants – our choice of available plant material upon harvest.

Color: Blends-Patterns