Covid-19 & Visiting the Farm
May 18, 2020

Solaris Farms
Visiting During the 2020 Season and Pandemic Readiness
For personal safety, for the safety of those you love and are in contact with.
Like many businesses, Solaris Farms is concerned for the safety of our customers, friends, relatives, acquaintances, contacts and employees at the farm. While the state of Wisconsin is now open for business, Solaris Farms is implementing precautions to provide an extra layer of protection during this pandemic season. Nate (owner) believes the science surrounding the Coronavirus clearly points to the need for a plan. Employees and customers are asked to follow the following guidelines for their own safety and those they will later come in contact with. If you are unable to meet the guidelines, please do not visit the farm. Visitors not adhering to the guidelines during visits, will be asked to leave. We realize this sounds harsh, but the pandemic is a reality we take seriously.
- Visits to the farm are available by appointment through the Solaris Farms website ( No walk-on visits or open houses are planned due to the possibility of large crowds and the associated dangers of such congregations.
- Appointments are free of charge, are for two hour increments and are for families or people who have small circles of social engagement. We ask visitors planning to come to the farm through an appointment to have been socially responsible prior to the visit (have practiced social distancing, avoided group gatherings and used personal protective equipment during indoor ventures). An appointment is for a single automobile with occupants practicing healthy social engagement. Up to four appointments to the farm during a two hour period are available. Thus there will not be large groups at the farm at any given point in time.
- The farm is a large open space and provides plenty of room for healthy social distancing. We ask that visitors remain at least 10 feet away from people not within their social/visiting group. If you have an appointment to shop (June 24 to August 13) please bring and wear a protective face mask or barrier at checkout.
- No picnicking will be available at the farm this year. Additionally no water will be available, so please bring your own and dispose of your used bottles at home.
- A portable outhouse will be available as usual, however we recommend avoiding its use as this type of structure is not easily kept completely safe. The portable will be, cleaned weekly, spray sanitized daily and have hand sanitizer available within.
- Fee and Fergie, our collie dogs, will be present in the yard adjacent to the house and will certainly make themselves known. Please do not touch them, as we (Nate and Kim) do not want them to become a transmission point. Enjoy talking to them and looking at them from a distance – they love people and will bark and put on their typical shenanigans.
- Please park in our grass parking lot off Taus Road and leave plenty of distance between your vehicle and any others there. We’ll leave some orange cones there to mark places to park. Please DO NOT enter the farm through our residential driveway on Pinesva Road.
Ordering for Pickup
Solaris Farms is happy to dig plants for you to pickup at a scheduled time! We will dig daylilies and lilies (some lilies are containerized) and bag them for you on the day you would like to pick them up for planting in your garden.
Daylilies and Lilium can be purchased on our website, however the website checkout will charge you shipping. If you order through the website and would like to pick the plants up, simply write in the comment area during online checkout “FOR PICK UP” and the date/time you will do so (June 24 to August 13). Your shipping costs will be refunded electronically at the time we record your order. Some plants, mostly containerized Martagon Lilium will not have a shipping cost assigned anyway, so you will not be charged this cost. Customers are also welcome to make an appointment and place their order at the farm for later pickup – let us know and we’ll do our best!
Peonies are also available for pickup in the fall, after harvest. These plants must be ordered through our website for inventory control (please do not ask to order them at the farm during a visit). During checkout, simply write in the comment area “FOR PICK UP” and we will refund the shipping charged electronically upon recording your order. We’ll notify you in late September or early October when your order is ready for pick up.
All purchases should be paid for prior to pick up. Plants may be picked up at the residential entrance to the farm on Pinesva Road. A video surveilled delivery/pickup box will contain orders for pick up and your name will be attached to the order for ease of identification.
Nate Bremer – Owner