Late Summer & Fall Season Update
August 6, 2020

Solaris Farms is now closed for visits this season (2020) and look forward to seeing you next year through an appointment! Daylily bloom was spectacular this year and we appreciate all gardeners who took the time to visit by appointment. Next spring and summer season we will continue to book visits through appointment, as this has allowed our customers to enjoy their visits to a greater degree and avoid large walk-on crowds which can cause difficulties with service.
Fall Peony Harvest and Shipping
Peony propagation and harvest will soon begin. If you have ordered peonies for shipping or pickup please remember the following:
♦ All peonies are shipped the last week of September through October 15.
♦ The coldest growing areas will receive orders in late September/early October and those further south will follow in October.
♦ We are unable to alter shipping dates to an earlier period due to the way harvest occurs, but are able to deliver later upon request.
♦ Peonies can be planted until the ground freezes and air temperature has little to do with soil conditions conducive to peony root growth.
♦ If you need to contact us concerning your order it is best to email Solaris Farms at [email protected]. In most cases messages will be answered via email response within a day. Please make sure your email platform accepts messages from Solaris Farms or you may not receive the response. Phone messages will receive no response due to: message clarity, response scheduling (connecting with caller), our availability and verification issues.